Online Marketing Success: 2 Helpful Data Views In Google Analytics - 2018

If you are serious about your online marketing success, then you have to become familiar with Google Analytics.

This free data tool will measure many aspects of your website traffic. It can also be used to understand other channel traffic like your blog,  Facebook and YouTube sites.

In this post we will cover two basic data views you MUST know in order to understand the 1) characteristics of your visitors are and 2) what activity your blog or website visitors accomplish in a visit.

Once you are logged into Google Analytics you can view data or setup a new property.  A propoerty is a website or blog ... any URL you want to measure traffic on.

Google Analytics Admin Screen
ADMIN Screen
To add or edit a property look at bottom left of the screen for the ADMIN icon that shows a gear.

That will display this screen where you can choose the best button to continue your work.

Link to full image of "Google ADMIN Screen".

When you first login to Google Analytics you see the screen below.
Google Analytics Data View
Home Screen

 Link to full image of "Google Analytics Home Screen".

#1 Overview Of Website Activity
Choose "Audience" and then "Overview" from the selection on the left of the screen to see the data view screen below.

Google Analytics Data Overview
Traffic Overview

This data view tells gives you a quick view on your website visitor activity.

To change the date range and display  results for new dates, make modifications to the date bar in top right corner of the screen.

Link to full image of "Traffic Overview".

Users:  the total number of people visiting your property (site).

New Users: number of new users only. not total users.

Sessions: total number of visits to your site.

Pageviews: the total number of pages viewed during all visits.

Bounce Rate: the percentage of visitors that exit your site on the same page that they entered your site.

Pageviews is now, and has been, the recognized measurement of website traffic.

About the Bounce Rate, the smaller that percentage the better. When that percentage is smaller it means more visitors view more than one page of your site.

#2  Website Page Activity
Choose "Behavior" and then "All Pages" from the selection on the left of the screen to see the data view screen below.

Google Analytics Pageviews
Pageview Activity

This data views informs you what pages your website visitors viewed.

To change the date range and display  results for new dates, make modifications to the date bar in top right corner of the screen.

View full image of "Pageview Activity".

Looking the heading of the columns on the table you see the following:

Pageviews: the total number of views on pages at your site.

Unique Pageviews: If a visitor looked at the same page five times, that will be counted as one pageview in this column.

Entrances: This number is increased on the first pageview or screenview hit of a session.

Google Analytics: Data View Count Example

In this example, a user enters a website and navigates to two pages:

Enter → Home Page → Gallery Page → Exit

You would see the following data for each page:

Home Page: 1 Entrance, 1 Session, 1 Pageview
Gallery Page: 0 Entrances, 0 Sessions, 1 Pageview

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Newsletter: 2 Proven Digital Marketing Methods (June 2018)

Newsletter: Video Marketing Research (2018)


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