7 Signs Your Digital Marketing Is Broken And A Fix (2018)

7 Signs Your Digital Marketing Is Broken And A Fix  (2018)

These are the clear signs that your digital marketing needs some tune up attention on any website platform, including Wordpress.

#1 Video Marketing
Your website traffic has not increased visitor traffic and/or your website pagesviews have not increased since you began your YouTube channel.

Revise the tags on your YouTube video to be more specific.  Or, include name of YouTube channels that are synergistic with your channel, meaning that when the synergistic channel videos play your videos will be displayed as a recommended video.

#2 Voice Search
Your website shows on first page of search results (FPSR) with organic listing using a traditional search - typing into the search field, however; site does not display organically in a search using Siri or Android Voice Command (AVC).  

The best resolution is adding more content to flush out more features and benefits of your services/products. Either add more web pages or add more content to existing pages. Google considers one webpage to be an "authority" when it contains over 1,500 words.

#3 Website Visitors Exit Site On Same Web Page They Entered Site
The "Bounce Rate" tells you the count of people who left your website on the same page they entered your site. For example, if the Bounce Rate is 90% and you had 100 visitors, you know that 90 visitors only saw one page.

Goose up your engagement strategy. Convert your pages into section of bands. Cover one topic in a section or band and provide button to another web page with more content on that section/topic.

Offer a special promotion and use a button on all web pages to access the web page containing the promotion.

Use more images and link the images to content pages that are the index page of a folder on your web site. Images are great to peak interest. 

#4 Website Does Not Display in Google Search Results With All Directories Displayed.
Below is a photo of a website showing all the directories displayed organically on FPSR.

FPSR Google Organic Result

Make sure your top level directories in the website architecture contain a file using index (php or htm or htm). All the other web pages in that directory need to link to that index file - in the content of the index file -preferable as a text link.

#5 Photos On Website Do Not Appear As Organic Results in Google Under Results of "Images"
All images are categorized by the search bots according to thier file name and the "ALT" tag description of the image.

To have more of your images displayed in organic search results, examine the text used in the "ALT" tag of the image and the actual file name of the image. Do those two items match or are they very close? If not, make sure they are almost identical or identical.  

Use a hypen to separate words in a file name. For example, the-file-name.png.

Lastly, be sure that the "ALT" tag and file name words are also used in the top header on your web page.

#6 Web Page is Slow To Display
This is best link so far that I use for speed and optimization score: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/. Its an easy location to test your site speed/optimization and receive instant feedback.

There are many variables that contribute to page speed. It's probably the best step to focus first on making your mobile website the highest performing site. Google favors mobile devices and has a "mobile search tool" in the Apple and Android stored.

There seems to be more SEO juice in using the warehouse method for images rather than inserting - storing the image in your web page of your site. Warehousing images will definitely increase the speed of uploading your website.

For sites loaded with images, like a store catalog, remember to keep thumbnail images small and the actual image not larger that 250 px wide.

#7  Difficult To Measure Marketing Results
Your website is up and running, but you are not sure what your website visitors are doing or what they should be doing.

Every website needs a vision to carry out a three step plan ...

1. Inform website visitors about your product/services
2. Educate website visitors about features and benefits of products/services
3. Convert website visitors into a subscriber or a buyer

When it's difficult to measure the progress a website visitor makes in those three steps, take time create/structure your content marketing with the goal of linking those steps.  Those links are known as a "call to action".

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WordPress - Nine Common Mistakes In Websites - 2018


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