
Showing posts from June, 2018

7 Steps To Creating Success With Digital Marketing (video)

Like it or not, if you want your website to gain traction in search engines, as an organic result, you must apply the seven steps in this video. These are seven distinct steps and each one has something specific you can do, and then measure the results from that action in Google Analytics. No use thinking you are going to beat the odds, online marketing is a process that is best accomplished step by step.  Real success is not going to happen overnight or even in weeks.  Be cautious of people promising you instant results to obtain organic results in search engine marketing. Newsletter :   Video Marketing Research (2018) Newsletter :  Digital Marketing - Two Proven Methods (2018) Techniques : 5 Tips To Build A Better Website

Online Marketing Success: 2 Helpful Data Views In Google Analytics - 2018

If you are serious about your online marketing success, then you have to become familiar with Google Analytics. This free data tool will measure many aspects of your website traffic. It can also be used to understand other channel traffic like your blog,  Facebook and YouTube sites. In this post we will cover two basic data views you MUST know in order to understand the 1) characteristics of your visitors are and 2) what activity your blog or website visitors accomplish in a visit. Once you are logged into Google Analytics you can view data or setup a new property.  A propoerty is a website or blog ... any URL you want to measure traffic on. ADMIN Screen To add or edit a property look at bottom left of the screen for the ADMIN icon that shows a gear. That will display this screen where you can choose the best button to continue your work. Link to full image of " Google ADMIN Screen ". When you first login to Google Analytics you see the screen below. H...

7 Signs Your Digital Marketing Is Broken And A Fix (2018)

These are the clear signs that your digital marketing needs some tune up attention on any website platform, including Wordpress. #1 Video Marketing Your website traffic has not increased visitor traffic and/or your website pagesviews have not increased since you began your YouTube channel. FIX Revise the tags on your YouTube video to be more specific.  Or, include name of YouTube channels that are synergistic with your channel, meaning that when the synergistic channel videos play your videos will be displayed as a recommended video. #2   Voice Search Your website shows on first page of search results (FPSR) with organic listing using a traditional search - typing into the search field, however; site does not display organically in a search using Siri or Android Voice Command (AVC).   FIX   The best resolution is adding more content to flush out more features and benefits of your services/products. Either add more web pages or add more co...

Content Marketing With WordPress - Nine Common Mistakes In 2018

There are many great platforms to build your website. Each platform uses a unique process to edit and publish website content. WordPress is a popular platform. According to in a 2018 report there are 175 billion websites of which about 75 million are WordPress sites. From that number about 37.5 million are hosted at the WordPress official site. Two Methods To Start A WordPress Website You can do a WordPress site in one of two ways. 1. Pick a website host . For example . Purchase a plan from them that usually costs around $5 to $10 a month per year. Once you have a plan, install WordPress and you are off to creating your website. At Hostmonster they have 7/24 phone support and helpful videos for all web host plans. 2. Go to and select a plan .  Once you have a plan you move right into the creating your website. There are many forums integrated into WordPress with a question/answer format. These forums are ...

Digital Marketing: The Necessary Foundation & Two Proven Marketing Methods in 2018

Being successful with your digital marketing relies on your understanding the necessary components of a online marketing strategy . According to the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, almost half of the online consumers they interviewed stated a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company. In other words, the foundation of your online success is based on a professional web site. Your website design instantly creates a good reputation of your business, or a bad reputation for your business - there is no gray area in this fact.   Distributing Your Business Information According to current online marketing reporting, there are two proven online marketing methods. Marketing Method #1 The most popular content viewing strategy for years has been online videos. "One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words."  Source: Forrester Research Today, is the second largest search engine - aka marketing ch...

Online Marketing: 11 facts to customize your workflow (video)

Effective website design blends aesthetics with user experience to captivate and convert visitors using proven SEO techniques.

Online Business: Three Guide Lines On Collecting Online Sales Tax

Courtesy Of Have you hear the Supreme Court ruled on collecting Internet sales tax? Internet retailers can be required to collect sales taxes in states where they have no physical presence, the Supreme Court ruled on today; June 21, 2018. The Court upheld a law passed by South Dakota lawmakers in 2016 that requires out-of-state online sellers to collect the state’s sales taxes if the companies have more than $100,000 in annual sales of products to South Dakota residents or more than 200 separate transactions involving state. There are currently 31 states who have laws taxing Internet sales as shown in the map below. Courtesy Of These are three easy steps to understand how the Internet sales tax will apply to your business. 1. What is your sales volume? The threshold is 100,000 USD in sales OR 200 transactions - both within one year. 2. Identify the state of transaction. Let's say you sell in five different states. You nee...

Digital Marketing: 10 Common Website Mistakes To Avoid

Tuning Your Digital Marketing Intelligence I think these three nuggets of research will help any business build a better online marketing strategy .... 1. Online Transactions According to a study in 2017, the three categories of online transactions are books/music, electronics, and apparel.  The expectation for growth is from categories that traditionally use showrooms. ~ KPMG 2017 2. Video Marketing  Video has soared during the last 12 months, with a 17% leap in usage. This looks set to carry on into 2018 – around 2 out of 3 businesses not currently using video plan to start in 2018, and, almost unanimously, those who already use video plan to continue. The vast majority also plan to increase or maintain spending on video in the next twelve months. ~ State Of Video Marketing 2018 3. Marketing Trends Services like Comcast and DirecTV may potentially partner with Snap Inc. and Facebook to distribute television content through these platforms. Brands should place...

Video Marketing: 3 Tips In 2018 Study & Video With Five Ideas To Get Started

Need a quick idea on video content in your business? These five ideas are simple and apply to any business - any product or services. Videos are on the rise in marketing across he USA. A video can automatically accomplish the most important aspect of marketing - putting the customer needs first , by simple explaining how a product or service will solve a problem of the potential customer. From a study in 2018 here are the top three motivators to get some video done to marketing your business .... #1   Where both video and text are available on the same page, 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product or service.  ~ Hubspot #2     76% of businesses using video say it helped them increase sales. ~ Hubspot #3   85% of people say they'd like to see more video from brands in 2018. ~ ECourse (free) how to make video from photos

10 Content Marketing Facts In 2018 (video)

You may be surprised when you read these 10 facts.  But, no matter what platform your website is on, you can put these facts to work for you. Content marketing services produce digital media content to engage your website visitors using digital marketing strategies, based on your customized marketing plan. Learn more about content marketing strategy. 

10 Facts On Video Marketing, 2018

Information to help you improve your online marketing strategy. Website administration services .

Online Marketing - New Research On Who Uses Smart Phones

You want to spend wisely when it comes to building your business reputation. Sure you want to reach your targeted demographic but without spending some serious cash on research its kinda hit and miss to find the best online channel containing your niche viewers. But no matter what channel you are using for marketing there is one thing you can count on correctly - videos give you the best return on your advertising buck. In the online world everything is always changing except on thing - videos. No matter what business you have. No matter what products or services you provide. Videos remain the most popular attention tool across all ages and demographics. Video Marketing Research In 2018 From Hubspot .... Video is often cited as a tool that helps drive various areas of business performance, and the numbers back up those claims: A) 97% of marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service. B) 76% say it helped them increase sales...