
Showing posts from 2015

How To Use Google Ad Words To View Paid Ads & Organic Search Results

There are millions of pages for your potential customers to choose from, what makes them show up on your web site or blog page?  Research tells us that the three main sources of web site traffic are ….. As a result from a search in a search engine A link from another web site, including social media A friend or associate gave them you link or business name Because the internet is constantly changing, what worked yesterday may not work today, with the exception of SEO (search engine optimization).  Quality SEO means you are producing organic search results in the search engines. And, you always want to be on the first page of search results, studies show most people don’t go past that page before clicking a link. Organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements. In contrast, non-organic search results may include pay per click advertising from service...

Buiild & Sustain Your Online Marketing - 3 Steps

“Over Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend over $14.7 billion in online sales took place, over half of those on mobile devices.” ~ Market Watch We live in the age of digital marketing, like it or not. Without a web site touting your wares, you will be dropped from the map that the hordes of shoppers peruse. Obviously, the first step to be a marketer in the 21st century: get a web site in place with your own domain - one that you own. With that accomplished, you must determine what degree you want to participate in the evolving, and essential, three segments of a professional digital marketing plan: content development, web site development, and marketing campaigns.  Let’s take a closer look at each of these so understand if you are making the best steps to advance your cause. Content Development Having quality content is the core of any successful web site - across all business markets and industry categories. Typical this happens in phases for a small or medium size business. ...

Six Signs Your Business Marketing Is Unraveling

Web Sites, Blogs, and Social Media have changed the face of advertising . Why? Because they are not dependent on the ole print world - they gather life, morphing to ignite and be the flames of the digital world. “As of January 2014, 87% of American adults use the internet.” ~ PEW Research What are some signs that your business is in trouble? By that I mean, not engaging technology to promote and sustain your business reputation. #1. No budget for online marketing To get started does not take a boat load of money. If you want professional help for design and SEO (search engine optimization), then you are going to have to hire it. Here is a guide to help explain that information in more detail. #2. Deep content is missing Having a blog or web site without well developed content can do more harm than good. Keep your content simple and to the point. Stick to the benefits and features of what you provide. Help the reader understand how you are solving their issue(s). With ...

Five Online Marketing Statistics (research)

#1 Content marketing generates 3 times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing, but costs 62% less. January 2015 #2 95% of brands tweet. 82% of brands tweet 1-6 time per day. 48% of brands replied to at least one tweet per day.  January 2014 #3 71% of internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are following on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. November 2014 #4 About 60 percent of all Internet activity in the U.S. originates from mobile devices, and about half of total Internet traffic flows through mobile apps. July 2014    #5 83% of consumers reported that they have had a "bad experience with social media marketing."  February 2015 All information is provided at the CMO Council web site.

Landing Pages: Track Marketing Results On Your Web Site

Let's take a look at how to set up a customized marketing campaign using a landing page on your web site. In this technique, customized business application focused on marketing, I will describe how to setup a custom landing page that links to destination page on your web site with a free Google Analytics (GA) account. The destination page denotes a marketing action you want your customer to accomplish - fill out a request info, view a page, watch a movie, or upload/download a file. Design Your Marketing Process Here we go in a step by step description to design and implement this technique. #1 Make a specific web page or blog post that has your marketing information. Typically, this is called a landing page. There are some good (paying) services that will automate landing page creation for you, but you can easily make one your self. Or, hire me to do it (shameless plug).  Here is a landing page for a local roofing service: #2 Next, ma...

How To Use Google Analytics With FaceBook For Customized Marketing

Get more kick from your Facebook (FB) posting when you create a <b>customized marketing campaign that integrates marketing in FaceBook</b> (FB) with your web site. This is an easy way to provide specific information to potential clients. Your post in FB will include a link to your web site. That link in your post creates an inbound link to your site of a PR 9+.  Be sure to use a natural link, not a shortened link. Nowadays, your FB post(s) is circulated to only people in your network. FB has diminished global advertising in posts.  Instead, to advertise/circulate your post to the world, you have to "boost" it which costs money depending on the parameters you pick and the budget you allow for each post 'boosting'. In this technique, implementing a customized business application focused on marketing, I will describe how to design a campaign that tracks how many people click the link in your FB post, and where they come from (geographic), and other info th...

Online Marketing - 5 tips to get 300% from your content

As a business owner you have a web site and/or blog so that you .... obtain new customers expand your potential customer base spread the word about your products and services To help you understand the many options you have for promoting and distributing your online content :     Paid media - Advertising on social media networks - Native advertising - Paid content discovery services - Pay-per-click - Retargeting     Earned media - Blogging - Outreach and PR - Social media strategies - SEO     Owned media - Your media content - Your digital footprint (marketing channels you created)  You put so much work into your content that it’s a shame to see it relegated to the archives of your blog. This is where repurposing comes in. By repurposing your content for a new site or medium, we give it new life and expose it to more new readers. The big question you’re asking now, is "Where are the best places to repurpose my content?" ...

Online Marketing: How To Achieve Successful Content Marketing

Content marketing’s purpose is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. It is an ongoing process that is best integrated into your overall marketing strategy, and it focuses on owning media, not renting it. Get your free copy of the Handbook To Content Marketing for web site owners and blogger - click here . Basically, content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is non-interruption marketing. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. The essence of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers, they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty. When you follow the Checklist in the Handbook To Content Marketing you will be improving your #onl...

Successful Content Marketing: Web Site Owners & Entrepreneurs

A free and informative online marketing resource to help you learn the power of proven techniques with content marketing. Over 25 links that will help you increase your skills of online marketing since you will be operating with factual research and not hyperboyle. Discover how to shape your content so that you help consumers make a decision instead of driving them away. Yes, and this cumulative knowledge is yours for free, click here to get your copy . Questions and topics include the following: 1. What is Content Marketing? 2. What influences Consumer Decisions 3. Three Effective Content Marketing Strategies 4. Three Content Marketing Tips 5. Improve Your Understanding Of Social Media 6. Common SEO Mistakes & Resolutions 7. Work Smarter, Not Harder 8. Blogging Essentials 9. Content Marketing Weekly Checklist

Online Marketing - seven statistics that will surprise you

#1 The top three social networks used by Business To Business (B2) marketers are LinkedIn (91%); Twitter (85%); and Facebook (81%). However, just 62% of marketers say that LinkedIn is effective, while 50% say the same for Twitter and only 30% of B2B marketers view Facebook as effective. December 2014 ( Marketing Research ) #2 About 60 percent of all Internet activity in the U.S. originates from mobile devices, and about half of total Internet traffic flows through mobile apps. July 2014 ( Geo Marketing ) #3  Google+ actually averages more visits per month than Facebook. Google+ receives 1.2 billion visits per month compared to Facebook’s 809 million. ( Geo Marketing ) #4 Landing pages with videos increase conversions nearly 90 percent. ( Ad Week )  #5  The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words. The higher up you go on the search listings page, the more conten...

Content Marketing Research: what influences consumers decisions most?

Content marketing research   shows that quality core content is a key to successful online content marketing. In this study 73% of respondents said they would make a purchase from a brand that regularly gave them useful information in their advertisements. Today, digital platforms and social networks have changed the relationship between brands and consumers. Consumers have more choice than ever before and  are engaged even in creating content. Reaching and engaging these new, active and connected consumers—Generation C (YouTube Generation), is a constantly  evolving challenge. However, for brands that embrace this challenge, it is also an  opportunity to bond with people more strongly than ever.  A six-month survey ( full report here ) interviewed nearly 2,500 consumers who’d recently purchased products in the auto, beauty and smartphone categories. Here is a list of the top ten “points of influence”: Word of mouth (74%) Retailers and store visits (...

Content Marketing: How does it work?

Improving Your Marketing Content Marketing Outpaces Traditional Marketing Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. I have always considered myself a web developer. But, for over a decade I have been providing all the services of a marketing agency - much more than just web design. Last week, I transitioned my business into a Content Marketing Agency, which is a more accurate fit of the services I have been offering to my clients for years. "Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them." ~Steve Jobs Get your marketing done right. Receive a complimentary review of your existing marketing endeavors send us and email - c...

Research: who uses Facebook?

Fully 71% of online American adults use Facebook, a proportion unchanged from August 2013. Usage among seniors continues to increase. Some 56% of internet users ages 65 and older now use Facebook, up from 45% who did so in late 2013 and 35% who did so in late 2012. Women are also particularly likely to use Facebook compared with men, a trend that continues from prior years. Facebook users also have a wide variety of friends on the network: 93% of Facebook users say they are Facebook friends with family members other than parents or children 91% say they are Facebook friends with current friends 87% say they are connected to friends from the past, such as high school or college classmates 58% say they are connected to work colleagues 45% say they are Facebook friends with their parents 43% say they are friends with their children on Facebook 39% say they are connected to people they have never met in person 36% say they are Facebook friends with their neighbors This ...

Research - who uses social marketing and 4 traits of facebook users

This research is made available through PEW Research, a non-profit organization. #1   As of September 2014: 71% of online adults use Facebook 23% of online adults use Twitter 26% use Instagram 28% use Pinterest 28% use LinkedIn #2   Fully 40% of cell phone owners use a social networking site on their phone, and 28% do so on a typical day. Here are some strictly Facebook statistics .... #3 Facebook users are more trusting than others #4 Facebook users have more close relationships #5 Facebook users are much more politically engaged than most people #6 Facebook revives “dormant” relationships Learn more about social marketing our our web site - click here.

Is Google+ alive or dead?

A chorus of tech journalists are reporting that Google is phasing out its social network, Google+. Where did they get this juicy nugget of information? Well, they made it up. And I'll tell you why. But first, let's look at what the press is saying and compare that with reality. Repeated news media claims that Google+ is on the verge of extinction appears to be a delusion caused by a social media paradox called the "majority illusion." The press has been declaring the imminent death of Google+ since 2011, but this latest fantasy proclamation of Google+ coming to an end was triggered by two events. The first event is that the official date for phasing out the photo tools that were integrated into Google+ came and went. Google replaced them with the more consumer-friendly and separate Google Photos. The second is that Google announced a few weeks ago that a Google+ login would no longer be required for using YouTube and other Google services. When Google laun...

SEO: Three essential terms to know about Google that benefit your online business

These three terms describe how Google identifies and sorts the content of billions of web pages that just keep growing in number - every day. You want potential customers to find you, so take the time to learn these three terms. They are the foundation of any SEO effort that's done correctly . How does “ Crawling ” benefit my business? Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index. A googlebot is a software that travels the web and reviews almost all of the existing web pages and files on web servers. They use a huge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages on the web. The program that does the fetching is called Googlebot (also known as a robot, bot, or spider). Googlebot uses an algorithmic process: computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site. Google's crawl process begins with a list of web page URLs, generat...

Online Marketing Stats: use this research to your advantage - 7 Key Points

#1 Nearly half (46%) of people say a website’s design is their number one criterion for determining the credibility of a company. (NewsCred) #2 71% of companies planned to increase their digital marketing budgets this year, by an average of 27%. (Econsultancy) #3 Internet advertising will make up 25% of the entire ad market in 2015. ( Social Fresh) #4 Videos on landing pages increase conversions by 86%. (Social Fresh) #5 63% of millennials (born between 1981 and 2000) say they stay updated on brands through social networks; 51% say social opinions influence their purchase decisions; and 46% “count on social media” when buying online.  (leaderswest Digital Marketing Journal) #6 Not all content has to be original. 48% of marketers curate noteworthy content from third-party sources weekly (this post is an example). (Design & Promote) #7 34% of Fortune 500 companies now maintain active blogs – the largest share since 2008. (Forbes)

Search Engine Stats: five important numbers to show what is trending

#1 Consumers Prefer Mobile Browser To Apps For Local Information Source: BrightLocal While local businesses have alternative ways to be found in local search apps and vertical or specialized directory apps, the survey data here argue that consumers want to access local business websites on mobile. #2 Yahoo Loses Market Share As Some Firefox Users Return To Google Source: ComScore The February US search market share numbers are out. It appears that a portion of the gains that Yahoo made since November as a result of its default search deal with Firefox have been lost as some number of users return to Google. #3 Google Overtakes Traditional Media To Become Most Trusted News Source: Edelman Trust Barometer According to survey data search engines have overtaken traditional media as the most trusted source of news globally. Last year search engines were just behind traditional media but have now overtaken them. #4 Google Still Doing At Least 1 Trillion Searches Per Year Source...

Internet Marketing: 9 facts to know, do smart & mobile marketing

#1 85% of people would rather provide an email for an ebook vs. paying with a tweet Source: Unbounce Tweet This Stat!  When you are putting your marketing strategy together this is important to consider because you want to collect emails for your newsletter distribution. #2  Blogs give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links Source: Content+ Tweet This Stat!  This proves the value to your brand of having a quality blog. Do it up even better by using blogger which is run by Google to stay in the news feed of the world's #1 search engine - Google. #3  Producing enough content is one of the biggest challenges for marketers Source: Content Marketing Institute  Tweet This Stat!  This is no mystery to anyone wants serious inline marketing success. Don't give up and stay creative. #4  The average cost to generate a lead through inbound marketing ($143) is about half the average for outbound marketing ($373) Source: EConsultancy ...