Internet Marketing: 9 facts to know, do smart & mobile marketing

#1 85% of people would rather provide an email for an ebook vs. paying with a tweet
Source: Unbounce Tweet This Stat! 
When you are putting your marketing strategy together this is important to consider because you want to collect emails for your newsletter distribution.

#2  Blogs give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links

Source: Content+ Tweet This Stat! 
This proves the value to your brand of having a quality blog. Do it up even better by using blogger which is run by Google to stay in the news feed of the world's #1 search engine - Google.

#3  Producing enough content is one of the biggest challenges for marketers
Source: Content Marketing Institute  Tweet This Stat! 
This is no mystery to anyone wants serious inline marketing success. Don't give up and stay creative.

#4  The average cost to generate a lead through inbound marketing ($143) is about half the average for outbound marketing ($373)
Source: EConsultancy Tweet This Stat! 
Inbound marketing is getting links to your site or blog from quality sites. PageRank is a factor, get links to your content from sites with a higher PageRank that your site has.

#5  Mobile commerce will account for 24% of global eCommerce by 2017
Source: Fact Browser Tweet This Stat! 
There is the proverbial writing on the wall. You better have your content done in responsive manner so you are optimized for mobile marketing.

#6  Google’s +1 button is used 5 million times a day
Source: Huffington Post Tweet This Stat! 
Not bad for a business that has been around for a few years. G+ is just going to get better and better. Be sure to have a presence there. It's easy to do. Remember myspace? Trends change and G+ is here to stay.

#7  There are 2.7 billion “likes” per day on Facebook
Source: Digital Trends Tweet This Stat! 
Facebook is a serious content for your marketing efforts.

#8  64% of people say they open an email because of the subject line
Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey Tweet This Stat!
If you are not so good with subject lines - creating them. Send me an email, I will provide you with a couple of ideas.

#9 39% of marketers have no strategy for mobile email
Source: EConsultancy Tweet This Stat! 
Remember, marketing email doesn't mean sending hordes of email. If you are just sending out a few marketing emails a day, make them count.


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