SEO: five point plan to success

SEO: five points to success
There are billions of web sites, so how do people find yours?

The only lasting method of success is building organic search results.

 Don't expect to accomplish this task overnight. It will take time, but at the very least, you should see some changes in 4-5 months is you are using the best SEO methods available.

This article will cover the five best actions to take in building and sustaining quality SEO.

#1  Build a blog presence

Once you have your web site done, use a blog to fortify it.

Setup a free blog, and use a custom domain for it. Google Domains, at this time, is selling domains for $12 a year and they are easy to setup with no hidden costs - unlike Godaddy.

Your blog is where you do weekly updates about your services and products. Blogs are picked up more frequently in news feeds than web page content. This is by design in Google's' algorithm.

There is a test you can do to confirm this. But, before you start testing, make sure you have over 75 blog posts. Also, make sure each one of your blog posts is distributed to the channels mentioned in #2 below. There are paid services that will do this, and you can also accomplish this distribution freely using  I suggest using hash tags appropriately.

#2 Publish and distribute your web site content

Social marketing will distribute your content to the family and friends networks of other people. An easy method to get started is using channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Consider that each of those channels is a big search engine: search facebook, search linkedIn, search twitter, and search G+.

#3 Have a mobile friendly web site and blog

Since more than half of all searches on done on Google using a mobile device, make sure your content is friendly to these devices. If you are not sure about your content, check it here.

Responsive web design (RWD) is is considered to mobile friendly. It's an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). In other words, with RWD, the software detects the viewer's device size and generates the appropriate viewing sized content to fit that device.

#4 Create and distribute your reputation

There are many ways to collect the praise of your clients. Just make sure you do it in such a manner that your positive feedback is published, in places with  decent search engine rankings. For example, YELP has a good search engine presence. When you Google certain search terms, mostly related to local businesses, if there is a YELP comment about that business it will be displayed as an organic search result on the first page of Google results.

YELP has taken a lot of bad press lately, but if you have client testimonials there, that's a gold mine that can be easily shared with the world. Plus, YELP is free. Other services are out there - Epinions, Buzzillions, RateItAll - but they're not as prevalent as YELP in search engine results.

#5 Quality content 

First and foremost, you have to have quality content.  As usual, Google is always changing the way the internet is headed. Consider the Trust Vault they are assembling.  Simply put,  it's measuring the facts in your content. In other words, if you say your providing XYZ, does your page material convey that?

These three topics will help you define quality content in more detail:
  • Semantically comprehensive content
  • Media enriched content
  • Easy to read content

Semantically comprehensive content

Google is focusing on semantics and context. The search engine is very competent and getting better at understanding semantic meaning. Is that a form of AI? For example, Google knows it's very likely that the word “car“ is relevant in an article in which the word “bumper“ occurs, while this is not true for the term "seat" or "air conditioner".

Media enriched content

Studies show that photos and videos not only make text more attractive for users, but for Google too.  In summary, content that is enriched by other media such as images and video correlates positively with higher rankings. At BuzzSumo they found posts having images received twice as many social shares as posts without images.

Easy to read content

Believe it or not, make your post easy to read.  According to wikipedia, that means your content will pass a readability formula, or readability metric that evaluates the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences.


Don't forget that the goal is building organic search results.  As you build your quality content over time, your organic search results should hold their rankings and new ones will be generated. At least, this is what I have found in my work.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. To get these posts automatically, click the "Network" button on the right side of this page.

Cheers, Steu

Steu Mann has over 15 years of experience helping businesses improve their search engine rankings. His web site is Ez Web Manifesting. Google him using the terms (without quotation marks) "Ez Web", "SEO & Web Design Ashland" where you will locate his organic search listings.

#marketingtips  #knowledgeispower  #seotips


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