2014 Research: social media stats - 54 pages (free)

2014 Research: social media stats
Two surprising stats to me ...  70% of marketers use a blog which is second to 71% using visual content but here's the rub ... only 50% of those marketers with a blog - have a mobile friendly blog. I guess they are not reading my blog :-)

Here are six main points from the 2014 social marketing research:
  1. Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn hold the top spots for future plans: A significant 66% of marketers plan on increasing their use of these social networks.
  2. Marketers want to learn most about Facebook: While 93% of marketers are using Facebook, 68% want to learn more about it and 62% plan on increasing Facebook activities.
  3. Video becoming important: A significant 57% of marketers use video in their marketing; however, 72% want to learn more about video marketing and plan on increasing their use of video.
  4. Podcasting on growth trajectory: Only 10% of marketers are involved with podcasting, yet 26% plan on increasing their podcasting activities and 43% of marketers want to learn more about podcasting.
  5. Facebook and LinkedIn are the two most important social networks for marketers. When allowed to only select one platform, 52% of marketers selected Facebook, followed by LinkedIn at 21%.
  6. At least 91% of marketers want to know the most effective social tactics and the best ways to engage their audience with social media.
Want your own free PDF of this 2014 marketing research? Visit the folks at Social Media Jungle.

Cheers, Steu

#socialmedia  #marketingonline  #blogging 


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