
Showing posts from 2013

NSA can hack WiFi devices from eight miles away

The NSA may have the ability to intercept data from around the world, but we now know that it has some impressive (and intimidating) equipment for snooping on nearby targets. Security guru Jacob Appelbaum told those at the Chaos Communications Congress this weekend that the NSA's big box of tools includes Nightstand , a custom device that can compromise WiFi networks for the sake of inserting spy software. The Linux-powered device can exploit Windows systems from up to eight miles away; it's unlikely that you'll catch agents wardriving in the parking lot. Nightstand may not see significant use today given that it dates back to 2008, but its existence suggests that the NSA also has newer, more advanced WiFi surveillance gear at its disposal.

How The NSA Hacks Your iPhone with DROPOUT JEEP

Following up on the latest stunning revelations released yesterday by German Spiegel which exposed the spy agency's 50 page catalog of " backdoor penetration techniques ", today during a speech given by Jacob Applebaum (@ioerror) at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress, a new bombshell emerged: specifically the complete and detailed description of how the NSA bugs, remotely, your iPhone.  The way the NSA accomplishes this is using software known as Dropout Jeep, which it describes as follows: "DROPOUT JEEP is a software implant for the Apple iPhone that utilizes modular mission applications to provide specific SIGINT functionality.  This functionality includes the ability to remotely push/pull files from the device. SMS retrieval, contact list retrieval, voicemail, geolocation, hot mic, camera capture, cell tower location, etc. Command, control and data exfiltration can occur over SMS messaging or a GPRS data connection. All communications with the implant wil...

Google 'heatmap' reveals New York, Rome and Barcelona as the most photographed places on Earth

From the Empire State Building to the Blue Mosque, plenty of people take photographs of iconic architecture when on holiday. And now Google Maps’ Panoramio ‘heat map’ of the world allows people to see the most photographed travel destinations. Three of the five most photographed places on the planet are in the EU, according to the popular service, which lets people tag photos of landmarks and scenery and upload them to Google maps. According to the website’s heat map, New York City is the most photographed place in the world, or at least more images of New York landmarks and scenes have been uploaded via Panoramio than any other city. Rome, Barcelona, Paris and Istanbul make up the rest of the top five most photographed destinations, suggesting the service is more popular in some areas of the world than others. The map shows the most popular photographic locations in yellow, before fading to orange, pink and then purple for slightly less photographed places, making it easy t...

Map that shows how tweets are shortest in the Deep South and getting shorter everywhere

Twitter is unique for its brevity - only 140 characters are allowed in any post. But even within those tight linguistic confined, conversation is becoming shorter and shorter. Two researchers at the University of the Philippines have found that in just three years, tweets have gotten two words shorter - falling from 10 words, on average, to eight. Interestingly, the length of tweets also varies state-to-state. Twitter users in the Deep South appear to tweet fewer words and characters than anywhere else in the U.S. Shortening and streamlining language is a trend that has tracked with language through history - and it's been accelerated by Twitter, they say. Controversially, the authors of the study theorize that race is a factor in this trend. Read more :

Google: testing software to track you and record your purchases at stores (on the street)

Tracking people online and showing personalised adverts is already a controversial topic and now Google is set to ruffle feathers further by tracking people in the real world too. According to reports from tech website Digiday, the search giant is testing a program that would follow users around the high street to see which shops they visit. Each time a user enters a store of business, Google would be able check to see if that user looked at adverts for that company online beforehand to check the ad's conversion rate. Recent reports found Google makes around $100 million a day by selling Google Ads to businesses online. It tracks conversion rates online when either a user clicks directly on an advert, or the user visits the website featured in an advert during its browsing session. Google can already access certain information about a user through its own apps, such as the mobile Chrome browser, Google Maps, Gmail and Google+. If users have ‘Location services’ activated and then ...

Social Media: a new study shows that a popular boy band is the most influential tweeter in UK

Every single member of the boyband One Direction are considered more influential in the UK than the Prime Minister, the Mayor of London and a number of other high-profile politicians and journalists, according to a new Twitter index. Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson each scored 98 out of a possible 100 in terms of influence, with Zayn Malik in fifth place on 97. The scores are calculated based on how much other Twitter users retweet and engage with the tweeter and isn’t based purely on how many followers they have. Prime Minister David Cameron, for example, scored the same amount of points as Zayn Malik but has fewer than 500k followers, compared to the 3 million or more of Piers Morgan behind him in eighth place. The rest of the top 10 is made up of musician Ed Sheeran, columnist Caitlin Moran and comedian Ricky Gervais. PeerIndex studied over 10 billion tweets from 150 million people to compile the Twitter 140. For the ratings, Peerindex focused on whether ...

Video games can make your brain BIGGER

Video games can make your brain BIGGER: Playing for 30 minutes a day 'boosts memory, ability to plan and dexterity' While some people might think getting engrossed in a video game is a waste of time, scientists have found they can increase the size of our brains. German researchers found video gaming causes increases in the brain regions responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation and strategic planning as well as fine motor skills. They believe the benefits of video gaming may also prove helpful in therapeutic interventions targeting psychiatric disorders. In order to examine how video games affect the brain, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Charité University Medicine St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus, asked adults to play Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes a day over a period of two months. A control group did not play the game and the researchers measured brain volume using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. They found that in comparison ...

Online Streaming: new trend of attneding a funeral

Mourning through a monitor: Watching funerals streamed online grows in popularity More and more undertakers are offering webcams at funeral services so friends and relatives can take part in the ceremony without being there in person. The increasingly far-flung and global nature of modern society has seen demand for video-streamed services soar. North East Lincolnshire Council has announced plans to allow funerals to be filmed on a webcam and then broadcast securely. Council bosses say the services will be sensitively filmed from the rear of the chapel so as not to intrude on personal grief. Councillor Ray Oxby said: 'We have installed this following feedback from local people about what they want from a modern funeral and in particular to cater for family members that live away and would find it difficult to attend. 'I am sure the improvements will... provide the extra choice and facilities for families and friends to make the final tribute a more fitting one.' The servi...

New Study: Student digital habits interfer with learning

The typical college student plays with his or her digital device an average of 11 times a day while in class, according to a new study by a University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor. More than 80 percent admit that their use of smart phones, tablets and laptops can interfere with their learning. More than a fourth say their grades suffer as a result. Barney McCoy, an associate professor of broadcasting, embarked upon his study after launching his teaching career seven years ago and noticing the instructional challenges presented by students' digital devices. From the front of his classroom on multimedia, he often saw the smart phones creeping out. The view from the back of a classroom while a colleague taught Mass Media Principles was equally telling. "They've got their laptops open, but they're not always taking notes," McCoy said. "Some might have two screens open -- Facebook and their notes." Rather than rely on anecdotal evidence, McCoy ...

What? New milestone that mothers and fathers: when the cell phone is first used

Nearly two in five babies have used a mobile phone or tablet - before they can even speak full sentences, new research has found. A survey has found that 38 per cent of children aged under two have used gadgets like iPhones or Kindles for playing games or watching films. In 2011 the same figure was just 10 per cent. The researchers said that the findings showed a ‘fundamental change in the way kids consume media’. They should also serve as a wake-up call to parents who increasingly turn to gadgets to entertain their children - but could be doing them harm. The current recommendation from the American Academy of Paediatrics is that the under-twos should have no screen time at all. Jim Steyer, director of U.S. pressure group Common Sense Media, which commissioned the survey, said: ‘Kids that cannot even talk will walk up to a TV screen and try to swipe it like an iPad or an iPhone.’ The survey results showed the speed at which mobiles and other gadgets are becoming a fact of life, even...

Online Privacy: Free Tool to See Who Is Looking Over Your Shoulder When You Surf The Web

Firefox released a security upgrade after it emerged that the NSA was exploiting vulnerabilities in the browser to gain access to computers using Tor, a sophisticated anonymity tool. But Mozilla insisted that Lightbeam itself will not compromise the privacy of users who agree to upload and share data. Lightbeam will not log IP addresses, the information will be aggregated anonymously and the software can be uninstalled, Mr Surman promised. Lightbeam initially will only be available for desktop browsers. Apple has reportedly rejected from its store apps by developers which incorporate “cookie tracking” technology. “The whole mobile environment is closed,” Mr Surman said. “You have to go through Google and Apple for apps.” Just who is looking over your shoulder when you browse the Internet? Tomorrow, web users will be given a new tool to shine a light on the commercial organisations which track your every movement online. Lightbeam, a download produced by Mozilla, the US free software ...

Social Media: Train passenger live tweets former spy chief's conversation after hearing him bashing Obama

A former political reporter turned the tables on a former spy chief. Tom Matzzie, who last wrote for Huffington Post, overheard former NSA director Michael Hayden Thursday afternoon bashing the Obama Administration ‘on background’ – and live-tweeted the whole conversation. A source talking on background can be directly quoted, but cannot be cited by name and is usually referred to ambiguously – in this case as ‘a former senior administration official.’ ‘Former NSA spy boss Michael Hayden on Acela behind me blabbing ‘on background as a former senior admin official’ Sounds defensive,’ Mr Matzzie tweeted just before 4:30pm. Sitting directly  in front of Mr Hayden while riding an Acela train that left Washington, D.C. at 3pm, Mr Matzzie had a front row seat to listen in on multiple interviews being given by the former head spook. Mr Hayden spoke critically of the Obama Administration on topics ranging from 'a famous blackberry' to rendition and black sites, Mr Matzzie detailed in...

The power of social media: NSA uses fake Twitter to abuse rival

White House National Security official fired for criticising colleagues with anonymous Twitter account Jofi Joseph is a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House In one Twitter rant he called Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett a 'vacuous cipher' In other posts he called Sarah Palin and her family 'white trash' A White House national security adviser is out of the job after it was revealed he was behind a Twitter page popular amongst Washington D.C.'s foreign policy community that he often used to anonymously insult many of his bosses and other powerful D.C. insiders. Additionally, Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, used the account - with the moniker @natsecwonk - to reveal internal information about the Obama White House for more than two years. At times, Joseph even used the page to take shots at Jews. 'Is it just me, or with the Jews celebra...

Global Study: Young adults say technology can be dehumanizing

The survey, which was conducted in Brazil, China, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and the United States from July 28 to August 15 found millennials are tech-savvy young adults who grew up with smartphones and iPads, but many think technology makes people less human, according to a poll released on Thursday. Dr. Genevieve Bell, an anthropologist and research director at Intel Labs, said although the results of the survey that examined global attitudes towards technology innovation may indicate that young adults are rejecting technology, the findings could be more complicated. "A different way to read this might be that millennials want technology to do more for them," she said in a statement. Nearly 90 percent of young adults questioned in the poll admitted innovations in technology make life easier, but about 60 percent said people rely on it too much and that it can be dehumanizing. Seventy percent said technology enhances their personal relationships and about hal...

Yahoo Mail users furious over Marissa Mayer's redesign

Can't please all the people all the time - especially with technology. Apparently, hundreds of thousands of Yahoo users are upset about the changes made to Yahoo Mail (TM). Most are complaining that the useful features have disappeared and now Yahoo is looking and feeling like a Gmail knock off. I guess if you can't beat the #1 email service you just got to imitate 'em - right? One writer on the tech site ZD Net has called the redesign a 'disaster' that has left many users questions whether they will keep using Yahoo or flee to other online email services. The biggest complaint has been the elimination of a feature that allows users to open search pages and emails in individual tabs - something that distinguished Yahoo Mail from its biggest competitor, Gmail. Another complaint is the the "print" button has been taken away or hidden very effectively. Source :

Facebook Gets Rid of Privacy Option And Makes All Users Searchable

Any change to Facebook, whether it's a tweak in its site design or an overhaul of its privacy settings, generates a groan or two. In another effort to improve its users' experience on the social network, Facebook is getting rid of an old and sometimes glitch-prone privacy option that will now render every Facebook user searchable to any other user. The old privacy setting -- called "Who can look up your Timeline by name?" -- gave users the option to not appear in Facebook search results. If Mark Zuckerberg himself wanted to keep all Facebook users from looking up his Timeline and activity via the Facebook search bar, he could toggle the setting so that only friends, or friends of friends, could do so. However, according to Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer Michael Richter, that led to some problems with the search function itself. "People told us that they found it confusing when they tried looking for someone who they knew personally and couldn't find t...

How to view your socal sharing stats - for free - on your web page or blog

Here is a simple and free method to view the social stats on your web site or blog. In other words, find out exactly how many visitors to your web site or blog are sharing your pages to their network. First you have to download the Chrome browser. Here is a ling to the English version.... Once you have that installed on your computer or phone you have to download the Social Analytic Extension for Chrome .... (this is the link to English version) Again, both of these are free. Once that Extension is installed, visit your blog posts using Chrome or go to your web pages .... the cool part is that viewing that extension, you will see the number of times your pages have been shared. Sometimes that extension takes a while to load depending on the speed of your internet connection. Give it a few minutes to have the number appear. That number sh...

SEO: simple nine step program

This is the nine step program that defines a five-star SEO program. We agree that it’s an oversimplification, so just know going in that there is much “doingness” underneath each of these steps. 1. Fine tune and tweak page content keywords with meta tags (title, descriptions, author, and description). 2. Produce and maintain all page content descriptions to include trending high search volume keywords 3. Build and establish organic link building , along with submitting site to high ranking directories, forums, blogs, and review sites. 4. Write and submit blog articles to various directories. Plus, using keywords in those articles. 5. Produce changes in page structure, heading tags, internal links, image alt tags as needed. 6. Manage YouTube video titles and descriptions to include keywords and appropriate links. 7. Analyze crawlability of site pages and take the lead on fixing errors and suggesting solutions to spider or analytic issues. 8. Integrate social med...

Google rules the West but Japan still prefers Yahoo

Google rules the West but Japan still prefers Yahoo: Map reveals how different internet giants dominate countries across the globe Google has become so much a part of everyday life many people now use the brand name as a verb for searching, but a new map highlights exactly how far and wide the site spreads across the globe.   The map, created by researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, used data from millions of people's browsing history worldwide and shows Google as the most popular site, in 62 countries.  Facebook was the second most visited site globally, in 50 countries, while the third place site - China's  Baidu search engine, was popular in just two countries. To work out the number of visitors, Dr Mark Graham and Stefano De Sabbata from the institute combined the number of estimated average daily unique visitors, with the estimated number of page views for that site from users in a particular country, for a particular month.  The data show...

New research on cell phones that compares models and how do the iPhones measuring up against one another?

Apple has released a total of eight iPhone handsets since 2007 and each one has been released with the promise of faster speeds and improved performance.  But how different is the original model to the current 5S? Fan site EverythingApplePro has created a video test of all eight handsets, from the original to the new model, plus the 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 and 5C. Each of the handsets were 'freshly restored and not jailbroken' meaning they each had the same default settings and all applications were force closed beforehand.   In the first test, all the phones were powered off simultaneously and the 3GS shut down fastest, followed by 3G, then the 4, then the original model. The newer handsets all took noticeably longer than the older models, but took exactly the same amount of time as each other, to the second.  The voiceover explained during the video that iOS 6 had a much faster shut down time than iOS 7 and this was highlighted in the test. Each of the phones...

SEO: building your presence in search engines - the easy way

Knowing what you have to have is the easy part of throwing your web site into the world.  The trick is to get the search engines to connect people looking for your stuff to your pages. From the SEO - search engines optimization -  work I have done over the last 9+ years, this involves a three phase process.  1.  Get lift in the search engines Getting this lift means that you understand the importance what I put forth in Six Essential SEO Statistics . Having lift means that when you google a key phrase you have implemented, you are seeing your web page(s) in the seven search results. This takes time, give yourself six months before you start pulling your hair out.  2. Maximize your blog strategy.  You should be bloggin' regularly by now. This is one of the most VALUABLE exercises you can do to create some presence on the web.  I'm going to devote a section to this.  Hey, it doesn't have to be all you. Have some guest bloggers. Put...

The NSA has been creating maps of American citizens' social networks similar to how the FBI links organized crime families together

The NSA has been graphing American’s social networks and plotting them as they do organized crime since at least 2010, according to the latest published Edward Snowden leak. The highly secretive intelligence agency has been mapping out American citizens’ social connections – identifying associates, determining locations, and logging who they talk to – by taking advantage of loosened rules previously meant to restrict surveillance actions. As far back as November, 2010, the agency authorized spies to conduct ‘large-scale graph analysis on very large sets of communications metadata without having to check foreignness,’ the New York Times revealed Saturday. The agency augmented that information with bank codes, insurance information, Facebook profiles, passenger manifests, voter registration rolls, property records and tax data, the Times further divulged. There does not appear to be any restriction on the types of data culled, or who it is gather on, the Times noted. First ...

Nine Points: Search Optimize Optimize (SEO) Your Web Page or Blog Post - Do it Yourself (DIY)

This is an article about search engine optimization (SEO). As of this today, there are OVER EIGHT BILLION web pages. To get some attention to your page I have put together this list below to assist you with how to write content with  search engine optimization (SEO)  methods. This is a web site showing a live chart of the number of web pages . How to write Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in your web page or blog post 1. Make a list of your keyword(s) that you want to use in this material. Hopefully, you have also made a mental note or written down related words that reinforce your keywords. 2. Create your title that grabs the readers interest and use a keyword or two in it. Statistics show that  search engine optimization (SEO)  does gain you visibility in search engine results. 3. Write one or two subheadings that you will use throughout your article. Make sure they  contain your target keyword and your rel...

SEO & SEM: Six statistics every online business needs written on the marketing room wall in CAPITALS

Well, I am doing my best to help you get your arms and mind around the fact that social media, SEO - search engine optimization, and SEM - search engine marketing -  can help you grow your business. I have the " web marketing system " I have used over and over again with clients and it works. Wanna know why? Because people, at home and at work, around the world use the internet and social media. If you plug into those streams, doing it correctly, you will increase your sphere of influence. I guarantee that to my clients. Below are my statements, the statistics are in quotation marks. I didn't make up these stats either, they come from the sources where links are provided. 1. There is a lota connectivity to the internet. "There are more devices connected to the Internet than there are people on Earth.  AllTwitter " 2. The best way to create a buzz about your products and services is using a blog or social network. " 80% of active internet users ...

Social media spreads the good and the hoax - are people being dumbed down or just bored?

Fake Apple ads touting the new operating system’s ability to make iPhones waterproof have made the social media rounds and gullible consumers are buying it. The ads are designed to look uncannily like actual advertisements for the new iOS 7 that came out along with the new iPhone 5s and 5c. The new update does many things, improved multitasking and camera function among them, but waterproofing your new $200 phone is definitely not one of them. Though, if the response on Twitter the new fake feature is any indication, Apple stores may soon be inundated by waterlogged handsets. One key to the deception, which the Daily Dot reports originated on 4Chan and spread to other social media, is in its deception. ‘With the new features and groundbreaking innovation of iOS 7,’ reads one of the nine ads, this one titled Additional Protection, ‘your iPhone is able to instantly detect changes in thermo-distribution with the touch sensitive screen and home button.’ Water splashes on and ...

Study finds 15 per cent of Americans STILL don't use the internet

Despite some people feeling like they’re drowning in a sea of status updates, tweets and emails, one in seven American adults don’t use the internet. A recent study found that 15 per cent of American adults say they don’t surf the internet. Among those who don’t go online, only eight per cent want to - the rest have no desire, according to the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project. Another nine per cent of respondents said they only use the internet outside of their homes – mostly lower income and less-educated minorities, according to Pew. Among those avoiding internet use, 34 per cent feel ‘the internet is just not relevant to them, and a further 32 per cent feel going online is too difficult, Pew said. A further 19 per cent said they could not afford the expense of owning a computer or paying for an internet connection, while the remaining seven per cent cited a physical lack of availability or access to the internet, according to Pew. Read more: ...

Social Media - control the message of your brand on Bloomberg (video)

Tom Carroll, president & CEO at TBWA\\Worldwide, discusses the value of advertising on social media and the challenges companies face in controlling their message. He speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “Bloomberg Surveillance.”

Online Privacy Concerns Feed Increase In Facebook Identity Suicides

Concerns over online privacy are leading Facebook users to commit "virtual identity suicide" by deleting their Facebook accounts, according to new scientific research. A survey of around 300 Facebook users and 300 quitters of the social networking site by Austrian psychologists at the University of Vienna assessing what motivated them to use or abandon Facebook revealed an emerging counter-movement against social networking. Among those saying they were quitting Facebook, almost half were leaving because of privacy concerns. Others said that the shallow nature of online relationships and feelings that they were becoming addicted to Facebook were reasons for abandoning their virtual social lives, according to the research on users and quitters from 47 countries. see article:

SEO: a Google guide to doing your own SEO

Some of you are Do It Yourself (DIY) and this is a post for you. Google has a well done starter guide for building SEO into your content and therefore getting some lift in Goggle  search results.  Check out the link below to this very handy manual. It takes some time to digest it and apply it - but definitely worth your while.  I guarantee that by the time you read this and apply it, you will be immersed in your web site design and building. So, if you are up to that level of immersion in your web site design this Google created SEO started guide is a DIY dream come true. Here is the link.... Steu  541.210.4375