Website Owners: 3 Tips and 2 Audits Tools To Optimize Your Content

There are three significant measurements to building a website with quality content which are length, speed, and relevance.  These are not new, however the specifics on them morph so, as a prudent website owner, you want to keep up to speed those modifications.

This article will explain those three characteristics and review a free audit tool, provided by Google Developers, to evaluate your page speed and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is a “how to” of your website maintenance for all you DIY folks.  If these topics cause confusion to you, or you just want some professional guidance, check out our website owner training program.


According to the buzz at this writing, a quality page, according to Google Search Standards, is at least 1,500 words and 2,500 is better. The content on that page is unique and relevant to the topic that relates to the web site at where the article is posted. For example, if your web site is a bakery, then maybe your home pages discusses your services in general with specific links to each section of your site. One section is catering services. Another section is breads and pasties. One more section could be cakes. Still another section is your cafe.

It is never, ever, a good idea to make a link, on the top of your we page(s), to another website.

When considering the long term effort to sustain your site content, a base rule is 50 pages. When you have 50 pages or more, you have reached a real milestone and earned some additional credibility in search engine bot land.. This level of content tells Google and Bing that this web site is here to stay and, more importantly, has something to say.


When you are not sure how your web page design is being interrupted by the search bots, run a free check. This is the first fee audit tool in this article, from Google Developers, to see if your web page design is mobile friendly. You will find this link below in the Summary section of this article.

As a standard procedure, design your page for mobile devices first and then do the design for laptop or desktop viewers. This has been said over and over again for the last three years. Always use your website analytics to see what devices your website visitors are using.

Are you using landing pages with your target audience? New research is showing that people are moving away from that type of format.

”Only 17% of marketers use landing page A/B tests to improve conversion rates.”

~ HubSpot, 2020

A landing page offers a prospective customer a resource, such as an ebook or webinar signup, in exchange for their basic contact information. The goal of these pages is to generate leads, build your base, and it’s an ongoing effort.

From my research landing pages are being used on larger accounts and website ones using a platform, like Shopify, to produce their website. Smaller merchants and sellers are relying a simpler approach to connecting with their target audience. I am finding that most smaller business use their website as a showcase, and to establish/sustain a presence in organic Google search results.

This is old news by now, so probably the last time I will bring it up. You should always protect all of your websites with HTTPS, even if they don't handle sensitive communications. Aside from providing critical security and data integrity for both your websites and your users' personal information, HTTPS is a requirement for many new browser features.

Last week I was redesigning a website and the existing photos, when placed on the Webster architecture, would not appear in any browser until i switch HTTP to HTTPS. Just saying, the tech giants are serious about using HTTP. You can place a free SSL, secure sockets layer, certificate on your website from almost every website host these days. Don’t have a website host. Be sure to check out CloudFlare.

HTTPS makes safer internet by reducing the ways intruders intercept communications between websites and users' browsers. IT Here are loads of intentionally malicious attackers, and legitimate, but over zealous companies, such as advertising firms or hotels that want to place ads into pages, which they can do on HTTP.

Let's discuss how to optimize your structured data project to improve your website performance.



Speed is has been brought into the mix of algorithms several years ago, today it plays a more predominant role as a ranking factor for websites in mobile searches.

Users want to find answers to their questions quickly and data is telling us that people really care about how quickly their pages load. The Google Search team announced speed would be a ranking signal for in ranking search results ablate two years ago.

Page speed is all about the software or platform you are using to publish your website. Two factors contribute to that which are page design and content optimization. For example, if your images are not compressed you are not going to like your page load score.

Three common mistakes include thinking if your page loads fast for you it loads fast for everyone. Second one is that a single point in time does not represent the ultimate measure meant of how fast your point loads. In other words, the speed measurement is constant. Third, along the same lines of constant measurement, no one action on your site represents an overall measure meant of page speed score.

What we are being told is that your entire site is measured that will then output a page speed score. Clear to see that faster is better.

”77% of smartphone shoppers are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites or apps allow them to make purchases quickly.”
~ Think with Google

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