Success in small business web marketing

Success in small business web marketing

Small Business Marketing

Using Web Technology To Grow A Small Business

Six concise, real life, examples of small business owners, like you, using mobile friendly designs and Google to 1) distribute new business perceptions, 2) put a proven strategy in place to invigorate their online marketing, and 3) implementing a simple method to take advantage of a free, best in class, business marketing tool - the Google search engine.

I made a fun video to show web site transformations. 
Click here and then scroll down on the page to view it.
Success in small business web marketing

If you are convinced that you can design and build your responsive web design, take my five lessons - absolutely free.  Each lesson will help you learn specific  principals of mobile web design, along with providing free desired learning resources and valuable tools. Click here to sign up for these no obligation lessons.

May your business marketing be filled with great success, Steu

Steu Mann has over 35 years of professional experience and several careers in business and education, including a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction. His office is located in Ashland, Oregon where he works with business owners in Responsive Web Development, SEO and online marketing consulting. He can be reached 


  1. Web marketing is also known as online marketing, e-marketing and web marketing refers to the promotion of products and services on the internet, through various websites. Most importantly, internet web marketing is timeless in the sense that content remains on the internet for an indefinite amount of time.



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