Google Chrome overtakes Internet Explorer as the most-used web browser

Google Chrome overtakes Internet Explorer as the most-used web browser
Google Chrome has officially overtaken Microsoft's Internet Explorer as the most popular web browser in the U.S. for the first time, commanding 31.8 percent of the combined desktop and mobile internet market, according to new figures.

A report released by Adobe Digital Index (ADI) analyzing the market share of web browsers has shown Google's freeware is up 6 percent year-over-year, trouncing Internet Explorer - once a lone internet leader - which is sitting at 30.9 percent.

The figures combine internet usage on both desktop and mobile devices, the latter of which has helped both Google and Apple exponentially thanks to the growing prevalence of phone internet use.

Apple’s Safari came in third with a market share of 25 percent, reported

Mozilla's Firefox browser—which consistently held a minor, yet steady, position—declined from nearly 20% market share two years ago to only 8.7% in April.

According to ADI, this decline is likely due to its lack of mobile presence.

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