
Showing posts from June, 2014

Research: social media - how it helps grow a business

We’ve all heard about the importance of social media marketing. But if you think good social media eliminates the need for a great product, great customer service or other traditional marketing, think again. Vaynerchuk helped grow his family business, Shoppers Discount Liquors in Springfield, NJ, from a $3 million retail store to a $60 million success story. And he says social media was only part, though a very important part, of the process. As Vaynerchuk recalls, it didn’t start with a video blog or the trendy social sharing so often talked about today. It started with good old fashioned sales and customer service. He explains: “That was done through operations. That was me on the floor selling more. Then the website kicked in the momentum in 2000, 2001, 2002. Then search marketing 2002, 2003, 2004. Then kind of like just fixing, getting better at it in 2004, 2005. And then in 2006 started Wine Library TV which took it to the next place. And the reason it gets so much credit...

How much does a web site cost?

Pricing a web site is not as easy as going to  shopping for products at your local grocery store or box store. In my web reputation consulting business I am regularly asked, “How much will it cost me to get a web site going?”  That question is similar to the question what is the best type of coffee to drink; there is not really a simple answer. Here are the five reasons why a simple, concrete answer is difficult. 1. Web site design and development is a service and not a product. A quality web site is something that grows over time. Technology is always changing, which means that in order for your web sit to stay current it needs to be modified. While it may be hard to believe, a web site is a service since it will require an ongoing effort to maintain. 2.  Building a successful web site is a complex undertaking. There are the obvious parts of a web site like written content, images, store products, and the freebies you offer to entice visitors to connect...

Research: internet users in 2014 in USA

These represent users who may be using a computer, mobile device, or an email account. Who uses the internet in USA? 87% of all adults (both males and females) Age Group 18-29:  97% 30-49:  93% 50-64:  88% 65+:     57% Click here to view all results .

Research: The Internet in 2025

Internet experts and highly engaged netizens participated in answering an eight-question survey fielded by Elon University and the Pew Internet Project from late November 2013 through early January 2014. One of the survey questions asked respondents to share their answer to the following query: As billions of devices, artifacts, and accessories are networked, will the Internet of Things have widespread and beneficial effects on the everyday lives of the public by 2025? Describe the evolution of embedded devices, "wearables," and "scannables" by 2025 - where will commercial and social applications of the Internet of Things most commonly and vividly be felt? What social and political difficulties will accompany its rise? Pleasediscuss what you believe the barriers are to the spread of the Internet of Things and the benefits that are claimed for it. Bonus question: Consider the ways in which people will most commonly interact with the Internet in 2025 and tell us ...

Research: Social Media Update 2013

42% of online adults use multiple social networking sites, but Facebook remains the platform of choice. Some 73% of online adults now use a social networking site of some kind.1 Facebook is the dominant social networking platform in the number of users, but a striking number of users are now diversifying onto other platforms. Some 42% of online adults now use multiple social networking sites. In addition, Instagram users are nearly as likely as Facebook users to check in to the site on a daily basis. These are among the key findings on social networking site usage and adoption from a new survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet Project. While Facebook is popular across a diverse mix of demographic groups, other sites have developed their own unique demographic user profiles. For example, Pinterest holds particular appeal to female users (women are four times as likely as men to be Pinterest users), and LinkedIn is especially popular among college graduates and internet user...

Google Chrome overtakes Internet Explorer as the most-used web browser

Google Chrome has officially overtaken Microsoft's Internet Explorer as the most popular web browser in the U.S. for the first time, commanding 31.8 percent of the combined desktop and mobile internet market, according to new figures. A report released by Adobe Digital Index (ADI) analyzing the market share of web browsers has shown Google's freeware is up 6 percent year-over-year, trouncing Internet Explorer - once a lone internet leader - which is sitting at 30.9 percent. The figures combine internet usage on both desktop and mobile devices, the latter of which has helped both Google and Apple exponentially thanks to the growing prevalence of phone internet use. Apple’s Safari came in third with a market share of 25 percent, reported Mozilla's Firefox browser—which consistently held a minor, yet steady, position—declined from nearly 20% market share two years ago to only 8.7% in April. According to ADI, this decline is likely due to its lack of mobile...