Proven Strategies to Boost Your PageRank in Google
PageRank is a number between 0-10. Yes, when your at a zero ranking you are not even on the scale. A ranking of 10 is the highest. If you want to learn about details or see how a PageRank can be calculated then search for "PageRank" in Google and Yahoo don't publicize the formula they use to calculate PageRank, in fact I am not sure Yahoo is still doing PageRank. Google definitely is, and if you want to grow your site be sure to monitor your PageRank there. The overall principal to improving your PageRank is associating your web pages or blog with other web sites that are similar to what your site is providing. For example, if your key words are about baking, recipes, and selling sweets you want to be connected with sites that are similar. You don't want to be connected with sites that are selling auto parts or dealing with concepts that are not relevant to your key words. Get your self associated with sites like yours. The PageRank spid...