
Showing posts from September, 2016

SEO: Two Updated Google Tools Are Very Useful

If you want to improve your search rankings, you have to keep up with the new tools and techniques. One essential aspect of SEO, aka online marketing, is formulating your content to tell Google what services/products you are providing. These two new upgrades in Google business tools, which are free, help you improve your search rankings. What Is The Upgrade In This Free Tool?  How you build your content is the key to telling Google what your business provides to the world and local community. That is the beauty of content marketing. Google Web Master, aka Search Console, has always helped web site owners manage their site, according to what Google needs to know, in order to fully index the site or blog content. Google continues updating their web tools with improved methods that are derived from revised processes that drive search engine results. The Structured Data section is the new addition to the Search Console. Structured Data, also called a HTML 5 tag, is a p...

Online Shopping: Amazon Has A Leading Business Reputation

More than half of U.S. online consumers begin their product searches on Inc.’s website or mobile app, a survey found. That means that heading into the busy holiday season, the company is advancing its lead over major retailers like Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and search engines as the starting point for online shopping.   Amazon built their business reputation, the same as every other company on the web must do to be successful.  Read more - click here .  #onlinemarketing

Online Business: 3 Steps Of Successful Content Marketing

Running a business on the web is morphing. Are you keeping up? It wasn't too long ago that you could get a web site up and running with quality SEO, Search Engine Optimization, techniques and you were good to go.  That effort would insure you are going to appear as an organic listing on the first page of Google search results. While that is important, and still very achievable, you are going to see your online inquires decline if you slack off on activity to build your business reputation. There are a number of factors for this. The big one is that, while Google is the biggest search engine, there are other web sites people search to find a product or service they want.  Recents studies, by PEW, show that more than half of all internet users conduct research online before making a purchase. A few of those heavily popular sites are Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vimeo, LinkedIn, and there are others. In the old days your marketing plan was buying yellow page ...