
Showing posts from January, 2015

Onine Marketing: aka Data Sharing - FAQ

What follows are good questions I  received from readers on the Data Sharing post yesterday.  Thanks for taking the time to send 'em, intending my answers help you along your way in our digital world. 1.  Where is a good place to start with my online marketing? I would start with the most popular - and most accepted - tools. Today those are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, PinIntrest, and Google+. And, those tools are going to change over time. In a month, six months, a year there will be new tools. For example, today Google+ is predicted to outpace Facebook as one of the hottest tools. A year ago G+ was almost invisible. In previous posts I described how you can connect your blog to publish your posts to most of those free tools.  Also, different age groups use different social marketing sites. Depending on what age group you are targeting, you will use the appropriate site/tool. A video presence, youtube or vimeo, is a great marketing tool for any age group. ...

Onine Marketing, aka Data Sharing, 10 Proven Techniques

The phone books are a great analogy to use when talking about SEO, SEM, and discovery marketing. History For most of the last 30 years I have been working with small business owners. Even at IBM doing technology projects, I was teamed up with business owners, along with other stake holders. In the ole days there was one yellow pages book delivered to the house;   it was a monster big book. Of course, there was only the house phone, land line, in those days. Nowadays there are three or four yellow page books delivered to the door; they are all a lot smaller. Plus, there is no longer a land line in most homes today. Pretty much every business owner understands the need for exposure in terms of marketing. Well, except for the occasional people I meet that are defiant and extremely proud to never have had a web site and/or never advertised. They make sure to tell me the number of years too - a real badge of courage for them I guess.  Kudos to those folks, ...

Online Marketing Trends: Discovery Marketing

Put discovery marketing to work in your online marketing and keep pace with developing trends. Web Site Design and Search Engine Optimization .... The marketing skills you have applied to your web site, or blog, quite literally will make or break your online reputation success.  It used to be that a web presence (site and/or blog) supplemented the promotion of your business. Not any more. Even if you only want to be recognized as a viable business, pretty much you need a web site. Last Friday, the Huffington Post reported that SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is the most sought after skill by all sized companies for their online marketing, second only to email marketing. Successful SEO is more than icons on a page A valid SEO strategy requires content that is built and maintained to meet specific marketing objectives. If you want to produce local geographic results your content is presented one way. To reach a national audience, or global audience, your content must be ...

SEO Issue: G+ counts being reset to zero

Background One significant feature of social marketing is distinguishing how many people like your content. The trend was started back with FaceBook with their iconic "thumbs up" image. Nowadays the ability to "like" something on any page, post, or article is standard fare. This ability to "like" something is so much a part of viewing the web that is has, in a way, become a sort of reputation builder. Think about it, when you go to a page and see a lot of "likes" you probably enter a silent judgement ....  the content is interesting, at the every least and maybe even informative. Plus, this business of "liking" is an easy way to engage viewers/readers, which is fundamental to defining a web presence. It may not be a reliable stat as to the value of the content, but it does show traffic and engagement, two important pieces of every web presence strategy. Issue With G+ Likes Disappearing On almost any page or post you visit, y...

Blogging Tutorial: how to update google doc content to preserve file link

Several people have asked me about ways to get around creating new links to a doc they have posted, so here is the answer for that one. Let's say you have a newsletter and want to use the same link to publish your monthly newsletter on your blog.  This avoids the tribulations of making your readers/students always get a new link to bookmark you as a favorite ... in the event you don't have a web site where you can post the doc. This is how you can accomplish that very easily. By the way, this applies whether you are updating a doc, spreadsheet, or image. #1 Review my first blogging tutorial . #2  DOCUMENTS & IMAGES With the file opened that you want to update, go to the FILE menu and select OPEN  Displaying the screen below ...... Next, upload the file that will make the content update. Bingo, you are done. Your file is automatically saved. Double check to make sure that the file is still published to the web and published as a link. #3  SPREADSHEETS ...

SEO: the most common mistake (video) by Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts joined Google as a software engineer in the very beginning of Google. He is currently the head of the Google webspam team.

SEO: is your online presence sputtering?

If your online presence is in need to a boost, review these three focus areas. Most Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts will tell you that SEO is not an exact science. And, those who have been doing this trade for a few years have the results to back up their claims: there are specific, proven, practices that will boost your online presence.    With the right practices, anyone can see improvements in their web site reputations within 90 days. Here are three easy steps that you can implement, with some sweat equity, to boost your SEO - starting right now.   1. Research Key Words These words and phrases are going to describe characteristics of your business products and services. In other words, this will be how people find you. Make sure your phrases are not attached to your business name since 1) potential new customers probably don't know your name anyways, 2) by default a decent SEO effort will naturally promote your business name, a...

Blogging Tutorial: how to use Google Docs to post your documents

Blogging is a great communication tool that's easy and FREE. In this data age, it's an invaluable data device for educators and businesses. Have you ever wanted to post a document with your blog, maybe a sign up form, a set of instructions, or a file that you want viewers to be able to print when they read your post? Google docs is a perfect solution.  It works with and will accept Microsoft docs, Open Office docs, an image file (jpg or png), and pdf files too. That about covers any type of file format an educator or business could possible have . Three simple steps to get this accomplished. #1 Sign in to Google Docs   https:// docs . google .com/ #2 Upload Your File   A. Click the + icon to create a new document. B. Open a new document: FILE > OPEN C.  In the "Open a File" window select "Upload" to find the file you want to share in your blog post. #3 Save Your File and Get the Link In the new window that is displayed ...