What is the value of your web site?

Value is essential in just about everything in this world. Every thing I have ever done or experienced has contributed some level of value to me - or not. Our relationships, clothes, friends, family, the list goes on and on - all of which have a value to us.

Your web site has value to the people who visit it. 

What measurement of value would you assign to your goods and services that your web site projects? 

Is your web site a project on hold? One that has missing links, missing content, and is unfinished?  What is that telling people about you? 

How is the communication of your web site content? Do your pages provide a design and offer content that will assist others in understanding how you will contribute to improving their value?

Where is your web site reaching?  Are you using a qualified metric to measure your visitor traffic?

Who is bonding with you at your web site? Do you have a system in place that allows people to connect with you in a long term relationship?

Of course there is also a monetary value too. Check out these sites if you want to explore the money side of valuing your web site: http://www.yourwebsitevalue.com, and http://www.webworth.info/.

Designing a mobile capable web site that is search engine optimized (SEO) are the first steps in any long term or short term plan of success with internet marketing.

Steu Mann
This article may be reproduced and distributed as long as all content remains intact as it is shown herein.

What is emarketing? How can new people find your site easily?

Ever wonder how emarketing is accomplished?  How can new people find about your site, services, or products?

The Internet is an information depot. Wow, kids nowadays have an easy time researching an essay topic. If you want to find out what is happening on the other side of the world, all you have to do is point and click. Exploring the who and what of your friends is quick with the multitude of social networks like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

The portal into this data warehouse is a search engine. Search engine spiders crawl the web 24/7 and assimilate data from every web page and blog post. The three main ones are Google, Bing, and Yahoo but there are others plus there are thousands of directories too.  All these warehouses are sending their spiders to crawl the Internet and amass every bit of info.

The million dollar question is how do you get your data to the top of the heap?  What does it take, when people are searching for you, to find you on the first page of search results, or better yet find a link to your page directly?

The answer is simple: create a buzz about your company, products, and services.

The resolution lies in a coordinated and extended effort but it’s not complicated. Here are the three steps I have been using successfully for years.

First, you need to SEO, Search Engine Optimize, your web site. You can also optimize your blog posts but I’ll save that subject to another article.  Accomplishing SEO means three things.

  1. Researched key words to use on your pages. This research displays trends of buzz words people are using in search engines to find products and services.  Both Google and Bing have these research tools for free. You need to think ahead, what is the keyword or phrase people will associate with your offering?
  2. Align your content and meta tags. You must match the content of your meta tags (key words, description, title, and author) to the content in your page.
  3. Index your site in the search engines. This is a simple process of submitting your site map to the search engines - frequently. Check my previous posts as I made a video on how to do this process.

Second, create your own buzz. You easily accomplish this by establishing backlinks to your site. For example, when you make a blog post, place a link to your site at the bottom of your it. In your social marketing updates and tweets be sure to put a link to your web site or blog.

For all you folks on a mission, you must take creating a buzz a step further. Create press releases, articles and reviews of your offering - that are educational in nature - and post them on appropriate, quality sites.  The big turn off is making them a sales pitch, And, yes, they can have a link to your site in ‘em and still be considered educational. Just do it in your Bio at the end of the content which adds that professional looking touch. 

Last step, submit your web pages, press releases, articles, and blog posts to the search engines and  directories. There are thousands around the world. I think the easiest method is buy the software. But, there are plenty of sites, including mine, where you can purchase services to do submissions for you.  

The key with those three steps is prolonged effort of 6-12 months. That’s when you will see a substantial change in your web presence - your web reputation.

You might be asking, “How do I measure that success?” One simple way is to check your PageRank before you start. After 12-15 weeks check it again.  If it is increasing then you are on the right track. If not, then maybe you are not doing enough or your work is too wide spread.  Another measure is to Google your key phrase(s) before you start. Jot down where you appear in the search results. After 12 weeks Google them again, if you are appearing higher in the search results that your success is evident.

There is another step when you get good at creating your buzz. You see, once you have established a sphere of influence, you can generate an extended buzz that’ll help even more people find you. 

If you have a question or would like assistance, give me a call at 541.210.4375.

Steu Mann

This article may be reproduced and distributed as long as all content remains intact as it is shown herein.

Tired Of Low Traffic? How To Make Buzz About Your Site- Five Steps...

Having a web site or blog is a good start for getting some attention but it’s not enough.

There are billions of web sites, so how do people find yours?  You have to spread the word, which is done by creating links to your site from other sites;  those are called back links. You want to have as any links to your site as possible on quality sites.

What determines a quality site?  PageRank by Google is one way. This is a rating system of NA to 10. The higher the number the more visible the site. Yes, a rating of NA means you are not even on the chart yet. From what I have seen a rating of 2 or 3 is an average web site. Once you obtain a rating of 4+ you are leading the pack.

Here are three easy steps to get more back links that will increase the visibility of your web site.

1. Write articles and submit them to free article sites. This is easily accomplished by using sites such as Ezinearticles.com along with Squidoo and HubPages.

2. Submit your web site to directories. There are thousands of directories around the globe in different languages.  

3. Make sure reviews of your product or service are received by quality review sites. Here are three of those with a PageRank of 5+: Epinions, Buzzillions, RateItAll, and YELP.

4. Blogging works really well for attention.  Blog about your work and products then submit ‘em to your social networks: Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. This will keep your name in front of potential clients and assist others to learn about you. And, you are filling the search engines with you news too.

5.  Write a minimum of one press release a month and send it to distribution points - click here to view a few listings.

I have done  emarketing and SEO.  I can promise you that implementing those five methods will generate buzz about you and your offering. Last thing, creating this buzz is not an overnight success. It takes time. You must consistently do it for six months to see measurable results. If you want a lasting impression then 12 months is your goal.

If you have any questions or need some help give be a call at 541.210.4375.

Blessings, Steu

You have permission to distribute or reproduced this message as long as the content and links stay intact as shown herein.

Internet Marketing - tuning your site for mobile computing

Mobile computing is on the rise and you had better make sure your web site is setup for it if you are serious about internet marketing.  Otherwise, potential visitors will surf on by your offerings. Listen, this is serious stuff. If people cannot view your site then why even have one? More and more people are doing mobile computing. In Forbes a recent computing article said this, "In many parts of Asia, where the mobile phone took hold sooner than in the U.S., schools have given up trying to control students using mobile phones. For a student in Hong Kong, their mobile phone is as vital as the beating of their heart." 

Check out these mobile computing stats  .....

3 Options: how to make your site mobile computing compatible 

1.  You can go to a site and create a mobile version of your existing site. This requires a fee to pay for this new site. And, it also means you have two sites to update now whenever you make content changes. Here is one provider of this service.

2. You can purchase a domain and make your own site, after you code it to be mobile. Let's say your site is greatbooks.com. You purchase the domain mobile.greatbooks.com and then code it to be mobile. The bad part of this is that you have two sites to update now whenever you make content changes. Here is an article coding mobile web sites.

3. You can use software that makes web sites and use a format that is compatible to mobile computing and traditional (laptop, desktop) computing.  This is the option I use and suggest as the best. There are tons of great web sites templates out there that you can use for this option and then customize for your look and design. This software includes dreamweaverrapdiweavertaco, and there are many more.  The key is the design of your pages so that they fit the smaller screens on mobile devices.

If you have a question on your mobile computing, give me a call and I will steer you in the right direction.

Blessings, Steu
541 210 4375

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What is your web reputation?

The search engines can be your friend or foe. A smart internet marketing plan includes actively managing your online reputation to ensure perceptions of your services and products remain beneficial to your efforts. Search engines are user friendly; people know how to use them. Pew Research Center reports that over 90% of users find what they are looking for when using a search engine.  Without managing the content that creates your online reputation, you are trampling the protection of your most valuable asset.

Our expertise and technology makes managing your reputation seamless with marketing your products and services.  We use several approaches to protect your reputation in our verified reputation management strategy. 

1. Analyze negative and positive exposure
We comb the search engines to locate all your data to gain a composite picture of your web presence. We can also help you minimize negative posts in search engines.

2.  Strategic planning and implementation

After identifying the existing perceptions about you, we work with you to create a proven strategy to accomplish your ideal perceptions on the web.

3. Ongoing reputation management
Once your strategy is in place our services constantly review Internet content that is generating perceptions about your business.

Managing your online reputation requires a comprehensive approach.   You want to make sure that positive feedback is boosted and negative posts or reviews are suppressed. The content you are using must be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to provide you with the best traction possible in search engines. To satisfy the appetite of savvy users, your content must include media: video, podcasts, and/or moving content. When your reputation strategy contains this content approach you are increasing the visibility of your brand. We make it easy for you since our best in class services provide these services and much more.

The biggest increase in Internet users is mobile computing, which is done on devices like cell phones and ipads.  Make sure that all of your content includes this distribution and viewing ability, otherwise you are locked out an increasing market of potential customers. Our reputation management services bundle this service for you automatically. 

Reputation management is mission critical to every online businesses.  We work with all industry types to provide our reputation management services. Typically, you will begin seeing results within a few weeks. Your confidentially and privacy is one of our primary concerns. As for results, you receive a report every 30 days to see your campaign progress. Our fees depend on what you want to achieve and the complexity of your campaign. Contact us today to speak with one of our specialists to design your customized plan.

Steu Mann
2012 Copyright Protected, all rights reserved

Alternative Health: How to Protect Yourself & Environment From EMF: Electromagnetic Radiation


Major environmental contributors are military and business while major emitters at home include TV’s, computers, cell/cordless phones, wi-fi’s, fluorescent lights, some toys, and many appliances.

All of life depends on beneficial electromagnetic frequencies. The brain and heart of living creatures are especially dependent on specific frequencies. Studies have articulated that sentient beings experience a sense of wellbeing from Schumann Resonances which are naturally emitted from the Earth. However, the overwhelming mass of EMR’s, including, microwave (MW) and radio-frequency (RF) radiation plus very extremely low frequency (ELF) frequencies, are posing a devastating hazard to individual health and an ever present danger to maintaining a healthy environment. From around the world, in thousands of research studies, scientists and law experts warn of short-term and long-term hazards of exposure to EMR while expressing that minimal exposure is the best practice.

A new long-term study by the World Health Organization into the link between mobile use and brain cancer has found that heavy users significantly increase their risk of developing fatal brain tumors. “It’s time for the Government to stop saying, like the mobile industry, we need more research and to move forward with putting appropriate warnings on mobile phone packaging, and to issue public cautions to children.” said Dr Blackwell from wiredchild.org.

In PEDIATRICS, Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, it was reported, “There is consistent evidence from epidemiologic studies of a risk of childhood leukemia associated with exposure to environmentally high levels of ELF magnetic fields.” In 2010, Argentine researchers at Nascentis found that radiation emitted by an internet connected computer resting on the user’s legs may affect male fertility by reducing sperm motility and fragmenting DNA.
“Many birds are disappearing mysteriously from urban environments and our bees are now under serious threat,” reported Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy. He also found there is increasing evidence that some of this is due to electromagnetic pollution such as that from cell towers, cell phones, DECT cordless phones and wifi.
In your home you will find numerous sources of EMR’s. Some of these include 'smart' utility grids; smart meters; mobile phones and their antenna infrastructure on masts; rooftops and in disguised structures; microwave oven leakage; baby monitors and children's RF-related toys; RF medical devices; RFID-embedded chips in people, animals, consumer products, and identity or credit cards; direct-energy and other EM weaponry; TV, radio, and satellite broadcasts; and there are many more.

eftCrystalHealing.com provides consumers with products to improve their health naturally. The I AM EMF Balance tool fits in your pocket and neutralizes EMF’s, stray voltage, and electrical pollution. It also induces relaxation by slowing down the brain waves to assist in meditation and sleeping.

SEO starter guide provided by Google - five stars

This is an excellent resource filled with ideas to boost your visitor traffic, align your SEO efforts and enhance your online marketing. 

Some of you are Do It Yourself (DIY) and this is a post for you. Google has a well done starter guide for building SEO into your content and therefore getting some lift in Goggle  search results.  Check out the link below to this very handy manual. It takes some time to digest it and apply it - but definitely worth your while. 

I guarantee that by the time you read this and apply it, you will be immersed in your web site design and building. So, if you are up to that level of immersion in your web site design this Google created SEO started guide is a DIY dream come true.

Here is the link....


SEO: three terms you must understand to grow your online business

Three essential terms you need to understand about how Google works to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on the internet.

What does “Crawling” mean to me?
Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index. A googlebot is a software that travels the web and reviews almost all of the existing web pages and files on web servers.
They use a huge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages on the web. The program that does the fetching is called Googlebot (also known as a robot, bot, or spider). Googlebot uses an algorithmic process: computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site.
Google's crawl process begins with a list of web page URLs, generated from previous crawl processes, and augmented with Sitemap data provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links are noted and used to update the Google index.
Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently, and they keep the search side of their business separate from our revenue-generating AdWords service.

Where does "Indexing" take place?
Googlebot processes each of the pages it crawls in order to compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on each page. In addition, Google process information included in key content tags and attributes, such as Title tags and ALT attributes. Googlebot can process many, but not all, content types. For example, they cannot process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages.

How is "Pagerank" determined?
When a user enters a search request, Google servers search the index for matching pages and return the results Google believes are the most relevant to the user’s request. Relevancy is determined by over 200 factors, one of which is the PageRank for a given page. PageRank is the measure of the importance of a page based on the incoming links from other pages. In simple terms, each link to a page on your site from another site adds to your site's PageRank. Not all links are equal: Google works hard to improve the user experience by identifying spam links and other practices that negatively impact search results. The best types of links are those that are given based on the quality of your content.
In order for your site to rank well in search results pages, it's important to make sure that Google can crawl and index your site correctly. Their Webmaster Guidelines outline some best practices that can help you avoid common pitfalls and improve your site's ranking.
Google's Did you mean and Google Autocomplete features are designed to help users save time by displaying related terms, common misspellings, and popular queries. Like ourgoogle.com search results, the keywords used by these features are automatically generated by our web crawlers and search algorithms. Google displays these predictions only when they think they might save the user time. If a site ranks well for a keyword, it's because Google has determined algorithmically that the page content is more relevant to the user's search request.
If you have a question or need some help, give me a call at 541.210.4375.
Blessings, Steu

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This article can be distributed if the content is kept entirely as is including the links.

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