Pagerank explained - the gold standard to measure web site performance

Hey, Google doesn't earn any income from the "pagerank" or "page rank" values they create and assign to web pages. To me, that qualifies this as an authentic measuring tool for web site success. Every web site is assigned a value between zero and ten. Ten is the highest and I have never seen a ten. Google and Yahoo will be at that spectrum. A rating of "3" is an average web site.   The key to boost your page rating are these five metrics....

1)  Revelance: links that are relevant
2) Comprehensiveness: complete coverage of a topic
3) Freshness: data that is fresh and pages updated regularly
4) Indexed: a site map submitted to Google
5) Useful content: meta tags that match your page content

Here is a Google starter guide to SEO [search engine optimization]: (click here)

Steu Mann
He is an author and Reiki Master. His web site is and offers a free directory of the diverse energetic and spiritual resources in the Mt Shasta area, which can be utilized around the globe. You can connect him about a free Reiki session. Discover Discernment Times Magazine and promote your business in the online marketplace there
--------------- create lasting promotional videos to use on your website or mail them prospects, and post them on

Discernment Times Magazine:  free online natural living resource for families and communities about sustainability and home health care


Facebook follows you when you leave

Facebook admits that it tracks users after they log out and have been doing so routinely - until they got caught this week. Now, they say they will stop it but they haven't got a solution for the infected software already installed on the computer of folks who use Facebook.

R U Ready for facebook changes?

Facebook now has 800 million users ....

Did you now they are rolling out massive changes to profil pages, yes yours, over the next several weeks?

How to Make RSS Feed

RSS feeds are a simple tool to syndicate your products and services information.  Setup a FREE syndication method using RSS by watching this video.


Steu Mann
He is an author and Reiki Master. His web site is and offers a free directory of the diverse energetic and spiritual resources in the Mt Shasta area, which can be utilized around the globe. You can connect him about a free Reiki session. Discover Discernment Times Magazine and promote your business in the online marketplace there
--------------- create lasting promotional videos to use on your website or mail them prospects, and post them on

Discernment Times Magazine:  free online natural living resource for families and communities about sustainability and home health care

DIY - do it yourself

Hey, stop relying on other folks to market you. Discover the power of social marketing by DOING IT in my class. Over the seven sessions you will learn how to do your own web based marketing.  Take hold of your destiny, expand your reach and connect with more people in an authentic manner.  First class is this Saturday.

Generate more exposure for your website - freely

A four letter word to simply and freely drive more traffic to your web site: blog. It doesn't get any easier than this to create more exposure for your offerings.

The first reason is they are free.  I don’t think that one needs an explanation. You can get some free marketing done for your web site with bloggin.

The second reason is that blogs are easy to update.  This means you can post anything informational pretty quickly.  Every post you write is picked up by the search engines and thereby accomplished you another step in the bridge that must be built to find you. I have hear rumors that search engines pick up blog posts more often then web sites content updates, but I am still looking to verify that one.

Consider this: what is easier to produce - a blog with 13 posts or a web site with 13 pages?

Of course, you want both, but a proven method for getting more exposure is bloggin’ daily, which is much easier than pasting up a new web page every day.

Last good reason to set up a bloggin” practice is you are in the bowels of the search engine already. Hey, is Google. So when you publish your post you don’t have to worry about getting it to the search engine because you are already there.  How easy is that?

My two cents, “Get bloogin if you want more exposure!”

To find the free blogs all you have to do is Google "free blogs" and there will be a dozen decent results. I like because it is part of the #1 search engine being used. There are some blogs that cost money to use and those have some extra features. It just depends on what you strategy is, as to what tool you want to use. For me, free bloggin is a great bridge builder and helps me emphasize my search engine optimization techniques (SEO).

Foe example, once you nail down your key phrases you are going to use on your web site, use them on you blog posts too. I don't suggest that you copy your web page content to make posts, but using the same key words is an excellent way to communicate with the search engines. You don't need to have a key word meta tag in use on your blog like you do on your web page. Simply using the key words and key phrases from your web pages will help the search engines understand what is being offered and help them create context links.

Steu Mann
He is an author and Reiki Master. His web site is and offers a free directory of the diverse energetic and spiritual resources in the Mt Shasta area, which can be utilized around the globe. You can connect him about a free Reiki session. Discover Discernment Times Magazine and promote your business in the online marketplace there
--------------- create lasting promotional videos to use on your website or mail them prospects, and post them on

Discernment Times Magazine:  free online natural living resource for families and communities about sustainability and home health care

end of special offer - expires Saturday 9 PM (PDT)

Saturday  is the last day to qualify for the the 27% discount: Success In Social Marketing class, seven nugget packed classes that would take you years to lean on your own.

Yep, until 9 PM Saturday it's $65 and then it's gonna be $89.

Time to get synced with the 21st century in your business marketing.

What will you learn?

A proven system ....

- how to grow your email list
- how to expand your web presence
- how to tune up your web pages so they are SEO - search engine optimized
- create a social marketing plan and work it (we will do this in the seven sessions)
- how to establish a system to create more potential clients and connect with them regularly

Absolutely free - you get a 60 minute, one on one, with me before the first session to produce a doable social marketing plan.

If you miss a class?  Just listen to the recording before the next class.

Get serious. Take the step to qualify for this special discount that expires Saturday at 9pm (PDT).

.... you have my 100% satisfaction guarantee or I will return 100% of your tuition.


More info:

Blessings, Steu


How to to Accomplish Effective Web Site Marketing, Three Free Strategies

I have been optimizing web pages for search engines going on 10 years and these are the tips and techniques I have learned. I promise that when you apply these three strategies to your pages you will see your page ranking improve. And, just remember, that won't happen overnight. Any changes you make in your web pages will take 6-8 weeks to show up in the search engines.

First, it's not a good idea, if you want search engines to display your web page(s) in search results, to use the same keywords and content design on every page. Hold on, this doesn't mean you have to build a whole new site or blog. Make it easy, just create some new ideas about what you are offering and what key words will lead potential customers to you. The next step is just modifying some web or blog page content.

One easy start on this effort is to sit down with a blank piece of paper and brainstorm session. Ask your self some questions, "What words do I want people to find me by. When someone is looking for my services/products, what words or phrase will they type into the search engine? What characteristics set me apart from my competitors that I can emphasize?" The results of this session will create words and phrases you want to use for your revised keyword meta tag on each page.

-  Make sure you use a variety of key words on each page.

-  Make sure you the keywords used in the meta tag are also used in the content on your web page.

Second, don't use the same "Title" meta tag on every web page. Use a variety of titles so that each one is unique. I have seen Google ding web sites, send an error message, when pages have the same title in the meta tag. A simple solution is use some of your key words for the page to make your page titles. And, be sure that what ever you have in the title meta tag you have written on your web page too.

The third strategy is making sure your web site has a purpose. That may sound simple, since most web sites are about making money or creating a presence. I encourage you to come up with a two or three sentence context for your site and then run it by every web page you have. Does that page fit the context? If not, you might want to tweak it. For example, let's say you sell widgets on your site. And, the context statement for your site is this:

We want potential customers and clients to know how and why we make the best widgets, along with our top rated service warranty. Our products are made from natural fibers and that sets apart from our competition.

When you examine your web pages, are they backing up the theme in your context statement - on every page? If all else fails, you could always put one version or another of this statement on every page - perhaps that will help boost your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts!

Here is one video that I found will help you understand about how search engines work. This understanding will in turn help you uncover your key words and phrases.

Steu Mann is a Reiki Master and Consultant. He has worked on corporate and private web sites for over 10 years to improve their performance and design. His Masters is in Curriculum and Instruction. He teaches social marketing classes and successful eMarketing and ePublishing strategies which have been put to work around the globe. You can reach him at his Ez Web Manifesting web site:

Steu Mann
He is an author and Reiki Master. His web site is and offers a free directory of the diverse energetic and spiritual resources in the Mt Shasta area, which can be utilized around the globe. You can connect him about a free Reiki session. Discover Discernment Times Magazine and promote your business in the online marketplace there
--------------- create lasting promotional videos to use on your website or mail them prospects, and post them on

Discernment Times Magazine:  free online natural living resource for families and communities about sustainability and home health care

Reach out web wise to grow your biz

-  92% of online adults use search engines to find information on the Web
-  59% of those online adults use the web on a typical day
-  92% of online adults use email, with 61% using it on an average day

Two days left to save 27% on a networking class webinar. Participate from the comfort of your easy chair or kitchen table. Learn how to use social marketing tools as you build a social marketing plan in the class.  If you miss one, listen to the class recording. Expires tomorrow - $65, after that it's $99.

Free eNewsletter Resource - five stars

FREE newsletter marketing and email list manager when you have up to 2,000 email addresses - this is a valuable resource.


Help Search Engines Find Your Web Site & Blog

Descriptive video explaining how to find a "product offering" in search engines to illustrate how to  design content of your web pages and blog.

12 Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert

Nikolas Allen, BAM! Small Biz Consulting, provides excellent guest blog on 12 easy and proven techniques to give you credibility with your products and services.  I suggest pinning this one up on your wall as a reminder of what works to spread your news easily.

How To Be Successful In Social Marketing

I am offering an online class webinar, that will focus on social marketing. You win cause your learning curve shrinks immensely - I am explaining what I have gleaned from over 10 years of actually doing social marketing. This is not a book class, this is a life skills class if you want to grow your presence on the web.

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5 Methods To Convert Website Visitors

 Every website owner wants to build organic search results and convert website visitors. Honing your content creation and content marketing ...